Wednesday, April 15, 2009


EH i neber intro myself hor? DIAO!..

Okay me ish MinisterMenTaL.. not related to the Gahmen eh MinisterMentor.. me is re-rated to u song .. come to alamak.. i sextertain u there song song.. hoot your kar chng .. limpeh make you peet.

I like make friends .. u like u meet me.. u dont like... pretend neber see me. One thing hor... dont hate me.. me ish some times friendly.. if you pretty and horny.. me is sextremely friendly.. heehe...

eh joke lah... life cannot be too serious hor? I gib u chill pill... u see me on the street dont call me "EH MINISTER MENTAL!"... limpeh chut middle finger hor li... u see me.. u say "YAN EH..ho bo?"

okay lah... bo eng liow... loon damn long liow.. waiting for that si lang pang sai mood to come so far pang pui niah... my sexcretary already leave the office a few times.. think my pui damn toxic...


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