Friday, August 21, 2009

My LAN is still FARKED II

I think i'm going to make this into a drama mama sequel. WHAT THE F!

Lim bu ish waiting for Network guy to let me go inside my fav website leh, KNNBCCB! Call him day and nite he say working on it. PUIZ! keep giving me the "i'm trying.. give me more time" face. CB Face lah!

Wait and wait.. and wait until my lumpar mor and my kar chng mor all touched the floor liow. Ki pang jio, hair drop down to the floor, colleages see and comment...

"wah sibeh hippy leh.. macam 1970s stylo-milo hairs style"...

I replied... "bo pian... hair and horse must match length... eh your one leh? shaved liow kua bo lan hahahahah!!!"

PUIZ! lim peh gongtinue to wait lor....

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