Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Have u try blowing yourself up? The Talibans did..

Taliban 1: Zi is good..

Taliban 2: what's good?

Taliban 1: Zee boms..iz ze most powerful bomb.. (pointing at the bomb)

Taliban 2: Yez! We vill killz all ze infidels! All ENEMIES of ALL*H!!!!! WE VILL ....

Taliban 1: no no no!!!!... for ourselves you piece of monkey crap!.. I got ze ideea .. Donch you wanna see nice beautifool virginz? ALL 72 VIRGINz ?? ALL YOURS!???

Taliban 2: ah? u forkin bastard! ... heh heh heh...good ideea..

Taliban 1: okez, here'z ze plan.. once we're done here? we go UP.. u take half the virginz. i take the other half.. ok?

Taliban 2: Good ideas.... eh i just checked there were already 200 over suicide bomberz.. whats left for us when we go up there?

Taliban 1: oh fuck! ... now u tell me...its too........

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