Friday, June 19, 2009

Dating 101..

"Eh bro... tonight go chiong.. i buy you drinks ai mai?"

"eh Joe.. me not into bromance with you k?"


"KNN!!!!!... U bo lang ai is it?... come ask me for date!??"

So whats the F**King problem with Joe?.. He like not interested/ or a bit interested in this charbor i intro to him.. so far.. i am always the one playing "middleman"..


"bro... then say what?"

"...&^$^$^#$ eh Joe... u call her... say... how about this weekend.. are u free for dinner or something lor..."

first.. go straight to the point.. we all lao liow.. no need to beat the f**king bush just to chase her out...

2nd... ask her this weekend free bo...dont ask her.. "eh tonight free? oh not free ah?.. tomolo night free? ...oh.. also not free ah.. about the following night?"

Joe asked.. "Can I ask if she free (by the month)?....."

I replied.. "if you asked her if this month and next month she free.. and she said no."

You can forget about dating her... PUIZ!

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