Tuesday, May 5, 2009

MinisTerMenTaL on AWAR*

Whats the F**King problem here?

Joe also sibeh kpo. keep telling me some old guards overthrown by new guards, now new guards dethrown, old guards become new guards.

All I can say is.

If you F**king don't know how to protect your island, your backside will be poke by outsiders. This is simple analogy. ANAL-logy. Period. Your country kena overthrown by enemy.. Will u F**K the enemy and blame them for throwing out your 20 plus years of legacy? Lumpar and Lanjiow throw at you!

Old Guards, blame yourselves for your current state of affairs. So easily, allowed thousands of women to join AWAR* and let them skewer yourself and be BBQ-ed?

Now, from 300 members to 3000 members.

No Confidence Vote 1400 to 760. You still have 800 plus women haven't voted. Lets say half of those never vote are pro-ousted "new guards".. u have potentially about approx 1,160 going to the "new guards". Thats almost 50-50. Why they didn't come and vote? - I ask my lumpar first hor and confirm with my lan jiao hor? How i know siah!

Last time you have it easy. Last time, you say only everybody do. Now, see how u managed them. See if your programmes will be supported.

So Ah Joe, we learn 1 very important lesson in this saga.

- remember all their faces. make sure you dont screw any of them. Or they (1414 of them)will turn u around organlise a giant ball room in MoonTec City, and screw your backside (with what i dont know) until tear. If thats not enough, they will send lawyer letter to ask you pay them back $90 plus K.